Ordinary people who never Football freestyle for almost seen yet to set the phone to always ask "what team play (s) found for", "you can play football as good as you juggle" or "what is it good for, you can not on the field". So what is Football freestyle good for?
First of all I would like to make it clear that you ... just because someone has a amazing juggler it does not mean that he has a good idea (I have a lot of football freestylers meet and, in many cases, they are also good at football). also, it is the same if you have a good football Freestyler, you do not need to be well informed.
If you're a footballer who currently plays for you're probably thinking something like "stupid people spend so much time for something useless".If you have a decent football player and you are serious with your football Football freestyle are, in my opinion, is a perfect method includes additional skills. it improves your first touch, eye coordination, ball control and so on. If you think about it, how come the best players in the world today some Football freestyle tricks?
As I mentioned before I have played football with a lot of football freestylers and most of them are decent. That's probably because their love for the sport, for some reason maybe they stop with football, but still want to kick the ball also do some people just some basic freestyle improve their skills in the field.
Football Freestyle is only in its early days and it is still very small.If you have 10 people ask if they know that football freestyle, I think the 8 or 9 will say no, in some cases even all 10 of them. some people in the world is soccer freestyle full time, they don't get rich from it, but they still have the ability to do what they love.So if you work hard enough practice and dedicated, there is a chance for you to be pro.
I really hope that this sport is getting bigger and bigger in the years to come, and I hope that this sport is recognized around the world, so if you liked this article to if you want to pass it on to a few friends.
You do not know exactly what Football freestyle looks like? take a look at http://www.freestylefactory.net a site with videos, pictures, and information on the sport!
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