Minggu, 26 September 2010

6 tips for a weight loss plan

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The first step for healthy weight loss is to create some sort of weight loss plan.

I know that sounded a little vague, but your weight loss plan does NOT have to be something that only NASA could understand or approve.

YOUR weight loss plan should include such simple things as what activities (exercise) you are going to indulge in, when, where, and so on. You will want to outline your weight loss goals, long term goals as well as short term goals. You will need to outline what your strategy will be for nutrition...notice I DID NOT say "diet"!

Why have a formal, or at least semi-formal, weight loss plan?

It has long been known to those who are successful in business, sports, entertainment, motivation, and other areas, that one way to improve your chances of success is to sit down and write out where you are, where you want to be, and how you are going to get there.

It is easier to plan for weight loss or any other goal related activity if there exists a clear picture of starting points, ending points, and how you intend to move from one point to the other. It is very easy to start a weight loss program or any other activity with intense motivation and a flurry of lofty plans only to lose site of the objective or to be led down unproductive paths by daily activities and the blurring effect of time.

Here are a few tips to consider when putting together YOUR personal weight loss plan:

1. Make your weight loss goals realistic:

Wanting to weigh what you weighed in high school is, for most of us at least, unrealistic. Using some movie star's weight or a relative's weight as your goal is also possibly detrimental to actually accomplishing effective weight loss. Each of those people arrived at THEIR weight by a combination of genetics, diet, and exercise which may not apply to you at all!

Most people do not realize that a healthy weight loss program should, for most people, result in a weight loss of only a pound or so a week. To many who have been striving for years to lose weight, this may seem a depressing statement. However, let me put it in perspective.

I have a close friend who was so desperate to lose weight that she opted for gastric bypass surgery. She weighed 340 lbs at the time of the surgery. When the doctor was briefing her on what to expect, she learned that even with surgical intervention, she would probably only lose about 70 lbs in her first year. That works out to 1.35 lbs a week, which would be a healthy weight loss that most people could achieve through a combination of physical activity and proper nutrition. The doctor also informed my friend that she would continue to lose weight over the following years until she reached some new level which would be determined by genetics, nutrition, and activity. This is the same expectation that anyone bypassing the bypass and opting for a healthy weight loss program could expect.

Finally, unrealistic weight loss goals insure failure, while an average of a pound a week over a period of a year is relatively easy to attain with motivation and effort.

2. Do not focus on weight loss:

I know that sounds strange since your goal IS weight loss, but it is easy to see failure if you are only looking for weight loss. For example, people's weight fluctuates from day to day and even within the day itself. A temporary setback where weight is regained becomes inflated if viewed against the background of only weight loss. However, if your goal is to do the things which are going to make you healthy, for example, then those few days of overeating at Thanksgiving may be more excusable in your own heart if you know that you have been taking your walks, or have cut your use of sugar, or are still taking action in some other form.

This is something that should be considered in your weight loss plan. How are you going to make your life better overall? How many ways can you approach "weight loss"? Do not make it your goal to lose so many pounds this week. Rather, set a goal to walk so many minutes, lift so many pounds, garden for so many minutes. That way, even if your weight does not change that much in that period or even goes in the wrong direction, you still know that your body is benefiting from the parts of your weight loss plan that you are still in touch with.

NOTE: People who begin exercising as part of their weight loss program often experience a weight GAIN somewhere in the first few weeks of their new exercise experience. THIS IS PERFECTLY NATURAL! If you have just begun exercising to lose weight and experience a weight gain, this should be only temporary, and is most commonly caused by your body adding muscle mass faster than it loses fat.

3. Plan to go slow:

I don't know if there is a statistic somewhere that demonstrates how many people drop out of their weight loss program due to stress, strain, pain, or just plain burnout. However, I have experienced it myself, I have read about it, and I know people it has happened to. Sometimes the simplest statements are most true. One that you will often hear is, "It took years for your body to get this way, and you cannot change it overnight." This is so true. Also, take into consideration that, even though you might not be SEEING significant changes, if you are taking the steps that you have outlined in your weight loss plan, your body is adapting inside, in places you cannot see, but it is repairing and preparing to move to higher levels of fitness and health.

4. Plan to measure your progress:

I know I said not to stress so much about the weight loss, but you do need to see what is going on. You don't have to concentrate exclusively on pounds lost, however. If you can walk farther this week than you could two or three weeks ago, you are progressing. Hopefully, in another two weeks, you will be walking farther, or faster. If, at the start of your weight loss program you could only exercise for five minutes at a time, and now you can exercise for 15 minutes, that is progress, isn't it? That's an accomplishment and is something you should be proud of.

NOTE: One measurement of progress in a weight loss program is quite simply "size". Two weeks into a weight loss program, you might actually have gained weight, for example, as I pointed out a few paragraphs ago. However, if your clothes are looser, or you need to buy smaller clothes, or friends are coming up and asking, "Have you lost weight?" these are good signs that your program is working even if your scales haven't gotten the news yet.

5. Plan to stay motivated:

One of the most common obstacles that knock people off their weight loss program is loss of motivation. The drive and excitement that gets you started is very seldom still around when you lace up your walking shoes for what seems like the millionth time and have only lost two lbs.

Including your reasons for losing weight, the emotional and perhaps physical triggers that got you started in the first place, as part of your written weight loss plan gives you a means of reinvigorating your desire to achieve your goals. We often forget how we felt and what we believed at the start of such a journey, and being able to pull out the paper and review the dreams and expectations can bring us back up to that original level, or at least remind us of what we are enduring this for.

I used to be an instructor for a major national corporation, and one thing that I and other instructors would tell our students was, to achieve their goals, they had to, "plan their work, and work their plan."

Donovan Baldwin is a Dallas area writer. A graduate of the University Of West Florida (1973) with a BA in accounting, he is a member of Mensa and has held several managerial positions. He has written poetry and essays for his own use, and instructional media in many of the positions he held. After his retirement from the U. S. Army in 1995, he began writing articles on various subjects for websites he owned as well as for use by other webmasters. He has a keen interest in health, fitness, diet, and weight loss and has recently completed courses on Diet and Nutrition, and Fitness. He has posted a review on a great way to exercise and burn fat

More weight loss information.

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READ MORE - 6 tips for a weight loss plan

Allardyce fears takeover

Last updated: 9th September 2010 Subscribe to RSS Feed Allardyce fears for takeover Allardyce: doubtsBlackburn intake proposed takeover by Indian businessman Ali Syed Ahsan, now is arbitrary to pass through according to boss Sam Allardyce.

Syed has pledged £ 100million to Allardyce to spend on players after his Bahrain-based investment firm, West Bay Advisory has begun negotiations with potential Ewood Park Club over £ 300million transaction.

But, as things have gone quiet among reports of non-payment of fees and Allardyce was adopted, it is expected the transaction to go through now.

"If this happens, it will happen in the next week or two," says Allardyce.

"But whether it happened or not, no longer seems doubtful, for whatever reason, I do not know, I am not privy to this information yet.

Allardyce also accepted at the time of the announcement was unhelpful, coming together in the last month of the window.

Blackburn, been one of the lowest spenders this summer, Hugo Fernandez them only permanent signing and Allardyce was particularly disappointed to miss out on Bulgarian forward Ivelin Popov.

"Time does not work," says Rovers boss. "People still feel we were much more money than we were coming to the end of the window, would she has been a distraction, I think. "

Man City v Blackburn: Correct score Draw 22 2-2/1

View the original article here

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READ MORE - Allardyce fears takeover

Find out how a Quick Weight Loss can be a Healthy Weight Loss-phase I

How can a rapid weight loss also a healthy to lose weight? Honestly, this is thinking about your mind, you are miles ahead of the majority of people who are interested in weight loss today. In fact, the idea where it is most weight loss viewfinder, "How can I have a quick weight loss?" There is absolutely no question of a healthy weight to lose! The problem is that everyone wants the results, but don't care about what they need to do to get there. More importantly, they do not care about the long-term negative consequences that will follow their rapid weight loss. To your healthy weight loss and for it as well as a rapid weight loss, you need some fitness tuning changes to your body.

Now that we have found that your thoughts on how a quick weight loss also a healthy to lose weight, let's get you there! We're going to different things about your life and how to get the life. I will show you the paths that you need to take in order to achieve a healthy weight loss. You need to down those paths, one at a time.How good and how dedicated you are at the time of completion of the completion of those paths determine whether or not you have a quick weight loss. I will show you the tools to a healthy weight loss is also a fast weight loss, but you need to use them, and them well, for your healthy weight loss and rapid weight loss.

Step one, to your healthy weight loss and rapid weight loss, will be that some changes in your diet. You have to, and have to want, start with your diet. If you are a person with a minimal or non-existent amount of exercise a week, than try to tackle that step first be disastrous.If you're in the gym before dieting shortcomings, you will then feel a lot of fatigue during exercise and, where appropriate, dizziness, faintness, and extensive muscle pain and fatigue. to start stepping into a healthy weight to lose and rapid weight loss, you must start by giving your body the nutrients it needs. Otherwise, your quest for a healthy weight and rapid weight loss to lose that much more difficult, not to mention less enjoyable!

The diet change to start your healthy weight loss and fast weight loss journey is your food intake daily. There are three meals per day, each with a carbohydrates, fruit and vegetables, and a protein.These items should also be evenly proportioned for every meal. You need to get a lot of whole grains in your diet, so make sure your sources of whole grain carbs as often as possible. Make sure you also plenty of good cholesterol in your blood cholesterol. This means that you have to eat a variety of nuts, fish, their eggs and including olive oil in your diet. in fact, I recommend at least one meal a day, with a kind of fish. not only is it a good source of protein, but the Omega-3 oils that are included in bolder fish like salmon and mackerel are essential for a healthy and rapid weight loss, weight loss and healthy life.

Fitness tuning tips for your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss diet. In the morning I start my day with a fruit, a bowl of oatmeal and some bacon or sausage, followed by a multivitamin. For lunch, you will also need your lunch contains a source of protein and a carbohydrate vegetables plan. I have only fruit with my meal in the morning, due to the fact that the sugar will help you to start your day with the energy you need.Vegetables contain more vitamins and minerals than fruit and, therefore, for higher concentration in your diet. my food always contains a meat, pasta or potatoes, a Steamed vegetable or salad. The fiber of the fruit and vegetables will slow down the absorption of the carbohydrates in your body, and will allow you to absorbed carbohydrates before they can be saved as burn fat. By following this diet guidelines, your healthy weight loss also a fast weight loss. In addition, you have the energy to start with the following path to your healthy weight to lose and the rapid weight loss journey that will be found in phase II.

Believe it or not, your healthy weight loss and rapid weight loss plan includes snacks! To make sure that you have the needs of your body for phase II of your healthy weight loss and supports fast weight loss journey, you have two snacks between meals.I use constantly protein bars and protein shakes as my between the meal snack. However, I've also been known to use trail-mix with more notes than fruits.Your goal is to make sure that your body gets all of the proteins that are needed to support of the second phase of your healthy weight loss and rapid weight loss plan.If you ever find a desire for something sweet, you have a piece of fruit.Some fruit sugars of the more than others, such as bananas, pineapple, grapes, raisins and mangoes, and should be eaten sparingly.These are the desserts that lead to your healthy weight loss and rapid weight loss, not to mention a healthier you will help.

You have now completed phase I of your trip to your healthy weight loss and rapid weight loss.You are your fitness tuning process by ensuring that the food you in your body healthy and all the elements needed for a healthy life style of your body started. I will contain this article with phase 2 of your healthy weight loss and fast weight loss journey, but you will be able to find out more about the right diet and the benefits of do so by clicking on my website link below tuning fitness. you will be able to join my free membership website and access to all of the foods, diet and fitness information that I share with all my members from week to week. phase I of your healthy weight loss and fast weight loss journey today, and you will quickly lead to the results that you wish to begin.

Powerful weight loss and fitness Techiques [http://www.fitnesstuning.com] Are Available free-Right Now on [http://www.fitnesstuning.com]

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READ MORE - Find out how a Quick Weight Loss can be a Healthy Weight Loss-phase I

Week in the life of a football fan with a resident of smart card

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Part 1 of 8


Our fan Sam, is a typical family man looking to improve his future prospects. He is thirtysomething and married with two young children. He lives with his family in rented accommodation with the local council appointed housing association. He works full time 9-5 with the local council as an HR officer and is also a part-time mature student studying Business Management two evenings per week.

Sam goes to almost every home game and around 5 away games per season, but he is not a season ticket holder. He cant afford the one-off cost and does not know about the budget plan payment terms. He usually meets a friend at a local pub before home games, as he believes it is too expensive to eat and drink in the stadium.

Sam has a 'Residents and Supporters' smart card issued by the local football club as part of a joint venture with the local council. The card is a Football Club Membership Card with a closed purse, a payment facility that is only valid in the stadium and the club's retail outlets (a closed purse owned and operated by or on behalf of the club can generate hundreds of thousands of pounds in additional income and efficiency gains).

The 'Residents and Supporters' smart card also allows payment by Europay / MasterCard / Visa (EMV) and is Local Authority Smart card Standards e-Organisation (LASSeO) & Integrated Transport Standards Organisation (ITSO) compliant. This means that it can be used to gain access to council provided services and on local transport. The card has also been developed and encoded in accordance with the emerging Standards for Smart Card Technology in Stadia.


Sam logs on to the club's website and checks the fixtures for the coming month. He decides to purchase two tickets for tomorrow nights cup game, when he will take a friend from work who has never been before. Sam simply enters his 'Residents and Supporters' smart card number into the purchase screen. He chooses to pay for the ticket with the EMV payment. Once the purchase is complete Sam check his Loyalty points balance and it has increased by 200 (100 per ticket). He chooses the 'print at home' option, prints both barcoded tickets and then sets off for work.

The bus arrives. Sam gets on and presents his 'Residents and Supporters' card, which stores his ITSO compliant monthly bus ticket to the reader.

At work Sam uses his 'Residents and Supporters' smart card at the office building access control reader. This allows him to open the main entrance door. Because the card also acts as Sam's staff pass it also has his photo and gives him access to his office and other relevant areas in the building. At lunchtime Sam is busy so he decides to eat at the staff restaurant. Most staff have council issued cards for Access ID and to pay for food but Sam's can use his 'Residents and Supporters' card in all council staff restaurants. However, the e-purse used in council restaurants does not allow Sam to accru points, unlike the other e-purse also on the card.

At 17:00 Sam leaves the office and travels home on the bus again using his 'Residents and Supporters' card, which stores his ITSO compliant monthly bus ticket.

Monday is one of the two nights a week that Sam attends a part-time course held at the football club conference centre.

Sam drives to the stadium and presents his 'Residents and Supporters' smart card to the parking barrier. This opens as the CRM system tells it that Sam is Studying tonight so is entitled to free parking. Once the evenings study is over Sam leaves the car park using the 'Residents and Supporters' card to open the exit barrier.

When Sam gets home he checks his Loyalty Points balance again and sees that he received 50 point for attending college, as is part of a local 'Self Development' programme run by the council and supported by local businesses.

Number of uses of the 'Residents and Supporters' card. (10)

Week in the Life of a Football Supporter with a Resident's Smart Card

Part 2 of 8


Sam follows his usual routine using the 'Residents and Supporters' smart card on the bus and to access his office building. At lunch time he goes in to the local library and borrows a book relating to his Business Management course. He uses the self-service desk and presents the 'Residents and Supporters' smart card to register the loan of the books, as the card also acts as a library card.

Sam decides to go straight to the football club from the office and meets his friend outside the stadium. Sam realises that he has forgotten his ticket, but is not concerned as he simply goes to the club shop where they read his card and confirm he was issued with a valid ticket. They then validate the access control system to accept the card. (In reality Sam did not need to do this as when he used the card to ID himself online the previous day when purchasing the tickets, the card and the barcoded ticket were automatically added to the access control system as valid for entry for this game. The system however would only accept the first form i.e. card or ticket for entry, once one form had been used the second would be automatically rendered void this is for security and revenue protection purposes.)

Sam's friend arrives and they both enter the stadium Sam with the 'Residents and Supporters' smart card and his friend with his own barcoded ticket. In the stadium Sam and friend both get a drink and something to eat. As Sam has the 'Residents and Supporters' smart card he goes straight to the cashless payment queue which is shorter than the cash queue. To boost take-up of the new 'Residents and Supporters' card there is a discount on all products when paying with the pre pay e-purse. Sam pays using the closed e-purse and he is served quicker than his friend who is paying with cash. Sam also saves money. Sam then receives a text message from the football club Events Team thanking him for entering the stadium early and offers him a BOGOFF (Buy One Get One For Free) offer on the new line in pasties from a local bakers if he uses his closed e-purse for payment.

Sam and friend watch the first half during which Sam tops up his e-purse on his 'Residents and Supporters" smart card by text message Then at half time he takes advantage of the BOGOFF offer.

After the match friend Sam uses his 'Residents and Supporters' smart card for the bus journey home. At home Sam checks his loyalty account and sees a total of 125 new points from his purchases and because he entered the stadium early.

Number of uses of the 'Residents and Supporters' card. (10)

Week in the Life of a Football Supporter with a Resident's Smart Card.

Part 3 of 8


Sam follows his usual routine into work using the 'Residents and Supporters' smart card on the bus and to access his office building. Today is Sam's birthday the football club CRM texts his mobile phone a 2-4-1 offer to eat in the restaurant at the stadium. To take advantage of this offer Sam meets his wife for lunch at the stadium. The offer also states that if he pays for the meal with the closed purse on his 'Residents and Supporters' smart card he will receive treble loyalty points. Sam tops up his e-purse on his "Residents and Supporters" smart card by text message. Sam redeems the 2-4-1 offer and pays for the meal with the closed e-purse on his 'Residents and Supporters' smart card.

When Sam returns to work he uses the 'Residents and Supporters' smart card to access his office building.

After work Sam decides to go to the gym he uses his 'Residents and Supporters' smart card for the bus journey and once at the gym, which is a council leisure centre. Sam uses the 'Residents and Supporters' smart card to gain entry to the leisure centre as it is also holds his membership details. Sam uses smart card inside the leisure centre to register his use of the gym and again to use of the swimming pool. Sam then travels home on the bus using the 'Residents and Supporters' smart card.

At home Sam logs on to the clubs website and checks the balance on his loyalty account. He discovers that he has an additional 350 points for topping up, paying in the restaurant and also a bonus for his birthday. Sam has also been given additional points for participating on one physical activity at the gym, this is a PCT initiative to promote healthy living and combat obesity and help reduce the pressure on the local NHS. The scheme is supported by the local council and the football club.

Number of uses of the 'Residents and Supporters' card.(14)

Week in the Life of a Football Supporter with a Resident's Smart Card.

Part 4 of 8


Sam follows his usual routine into work using the 'Residents and Supporters' smart card on the bus and to access his office building.

At lunch time Sam goes to town and buys a CD from a local music store and some accessories for his car from a national motor factors retailer using the EMV payment on his 'Residents and Supporters' smart card.

Sam has study leave in the afternoon and travel home on the bus using his 'Residents and Supporters' smart card, and collects his Business Management course books and course work. At home Sam logs on to the clubs website and checks the balance on his loyalty account and discovers that he has an additional 160 points for the EMV transactions at the local music store and the national motor factors retailer. As these transactions are using the EMV payment facility they attract a slightly lower rate of points than transactions using the pre pay e-purse on the 'Residents and Supporters' smart card.

As Sam is registered as a mature student studying at the stadium he is allowed free access to the WiFI within the stadium conference suite. Sam drives to the stadium early, for his second study night of the week, as he is meeting a study buddy there. On arrival at the stadium Sam presents his 'Residents and Supporters' card to the parking barrier which opens as it knows from the CRM that Sam is studying tonight and is entitled to free parking. Sam uses the 'Residents and Supporters' smart card to log on to the network using dual factor authentication and the system recognises Sam is registered with a sight impairment and has stored visual preferences to help him read the text. The system is set to Sam's preferences. This same function could be used to change language for those whose first language is not English.

Once the evenings study is over Sam leaves the car park again using the 'Residents and Supporters' smart card to open the exit barrier.

When Sam gets home he again checks his Loyalty Points balance and sees that, just as he did on Monday evening he received 50 point for attending college, this is part of a local 'Self Development' programme run by the council and supported by local businesses.

Number of uses of the 'Residents and Supporters' smart card (12)

Week in the Life of a Football Supporter with a Resident's Smartcard.

Part 5 of 8


Sam follows his usual routine into work using the 'Residents and Supporters' smart card on the bus and to access his office building.

At lunch time Sam goes to the councils 'One Stop Shop' to apply for Free School Meals for his 2 children. He uses a public PC and presents his 'Residents and Supporters' smart card to the reader which identifies him asks for a secret word (2 Factor Authentication). As Sam is registered with a sight impairment on the council's public facing system his visual impairment preferences are read from the card and the councils public facing system is set to Sam's preferences.

As the councils CRM already holds many pieces of information required for the Free School Meals Entitlement Form some information there has been automatically completed i.e. Name. DoB, Address, Contact details etc. This is called Auto Form Fill. Sam check the auto populated data is correct, completes the rest of the form and returns to work.

After work Sam decides to go to the gym he uses the 'Residents and Supporters' smart card for the bus journey and once at the gym, which is a council leisure centre Sam uses the 'Residents and Supporters' smart cardto gain entry to the centre as it is also his membership card for the leisure centre. Sam also uses the 'Residents and Supporters' smart card inside the leisure centre to register his use of the gym and again use of the swimming pool. Sam then travels home on the bus using the 'Residents and Supporters' smart card for the journey home.

Sam makes the weekly shopping list and then drives to the local supermarket where he pays for the shopping with the EMV payment option on his 'Residents and Supporters' smart card.

When Sam gets home he again checks his Loyalty Points balance and he has received points of using the Gym and paying for the weekly shopping.

Number of uses of the 'Residents and Supporters' smart card. (11)

Week in the Life of a Football Supporter with a Resident's Smart Card.

Part 6 of 8


Today is a top of the table clash. Sam is taking his son Thomas to the game and it is his first game of the season. Sam and Thomas drive to the town centre and Sam parks the car in a council managed Pay and Display car park. As a resident of the borough Sam is entitled to a discount on parking charges Sam presents the card to the parking machine and receives his discount.

Then Sam takes Thomas to the Club Shop in town centre and redeems some of the loyalty points he has been accruing and receives a home shirt for Thomas.

It is still early and Sam takes Thomas to the local museum to research a topic that Thomas is studying at school. The 'Residents and Supporters' smart card entitles Sam to a half price entry but as there is no card reader in the museum Sam simply shows his card. This type of 'Show n Go' discount scheme operates in a number of places in the town also and helps local small businesses, this initiative is backed by the councils local regeneration scheme.

Then Sam goes to a local shop that is a Pay Point agent to pay his Rent and Council Tax as he does not have a direct debit set up. At the shop Sam pays cash but presents his 'Residents and Supporters' smart card to the reader to identify him and allocate the funds to the right amounts to the correct Rent and Council Tax accounts.

It is now time for Sam and Thomas to go to the stadium and as it is close and a sunny day they decide to hire one of the public cycles in the town. Sam knows that the football club are part of this 'Fit 4 Life' initiative operated by the Council and backed by the local PCT as it is part of the Football Clubs 'Green Travel Plan'. At the automated cycle store Sam presents his 'Residents and Supporters' smart card to the reader and releases an adult cycle for himself and does the same for a junior cycle for Thomas. They both cycle 2 miles to the stadium where they store and lock the cycles in a storage facility located in the stadia car park, which is similar to the one in town. The locking mechanism is also operated by the 'Residents and Supporters' smart card, which if applicable is also used for payment but not in this case as the system recognises that Sam is entitled to free use.

Sam takes Thomas to the ticket office to buy him a barcoded paper match day ticket and after payment Sam's 'Residents and Supporters' smart card is set to be his ticket. He presents his 'Residents and Supporters' smart card to collect the loyalty points, but he pays for the ticket in cash. When the ticket office take Thomas' personal details for the ticket purchase they see that although this is his first match this season, he did attend 6 matches last season and travelled to an away FA Cup tie with the Official Supporters Club. They offer Thomas the chance to join the Junior Supporters Club at a discount which will give him his own supporters card. As Sam is already a 'Residents and Supporters' smart card holder Junior Supporters Club Membership is free for a limited period. Thomas applies and Sam is given an immediate discount on Thomas' match day ticket.

Sam and Thomas the go to the turnstiles and both enter the stadium; Sam with his 'Residents and Supporters' smart card and Thomas with his own barcoded ticket. In the stadium Sam buys them both a drink and a burger using the closed e-purse on the 'Residents and Supporters' smart card as again that queue is much shorter than the cash queue and they get a discount.

Sam and Thomas watch the first half during which Sam gets a text message welcoming Thomas to the Junior Supporters Club and giving a promotional code for Thomas, two friends and a responsible adult to have a free stadium tour. All Thomas has to do is have his parents complete an online form with names, addresses and ages of the 4 people attending the tour. Sam also tops up the e-purse on his 'Residents and Supporters' smart card by text message. At half time both Sam and Thomas get a cold drink from the kiosk where Sam again uses the closed e-purse on the 'Residents and Supporters' smart card, is served very quickly and saves money.

After the match friend Sam uses the 'Residents and Supporters' smart card to unlock the cycles for the ride back to town to collect the car.

At home Sam registers himself Thomas and two friends for the tour using the promotional code in the text message. As he is a 'Residents and Supporters' smart card holder he will be given Loyalty Points if anyone in the party makes a purchase and if they become season ticket holders Sam and Thomas will be invited to meet their favourite player. Sam then checks his loyalty account and sees a total of 225 new points from the purchases and entering the stadium early.

Number of uses of the 'Residents and Supporters' smart card. (16)

Week in the Life of a Football Supporter with a Resident's Smart Card.

Part 7 of 8


Sam and Thomas look at the pictures of the match yesterday on the Football Club's website. Thomas has received an email with his membership details and he sets up his account.

Sam finds a replica shirt from the early eighties which he adds to the 'wish list' on his Loyalty account so that when he has enough points he will get an automatic reminder by email and text. There was also an option for the shirt to be automatically sent to him when he had enough points and the Loyalty points redeemed automatically but he didn't choose it.

It is sunny and Sam has an exciting day planned for the family. In the morning he takes the family to a local petting zoo and country park. The park is operated by the county council and there is a small charge, but as Sam is a 'Residents and Supporters' smart card holder he and his family enjoy free admission.

In the afternoon Sam and the family go to the football stadium to attend a music event with a number of big name performers. The tickets were part of Sam's birthday present from his parents. Sam was made aware of the event from a text message and an email that was sent by the clubs CRM. Sam's 'Residents and Supporters' smart card was used during the transaction to get a discount and loyalty points.

Sam and his family the go to the turnstiles and enter the stadium Sam with the 'Residents and Supporters' smart card and the rest of the family with barcoded tickets. In the stadium Sam buys them food and drinks using the closed e-purse on the 'Residents and Supporters' smart card and as always the queue is much shorter than the cash queue and he also gets a discount.

After the event the Sam takes the family home. On the way home Sam get fuel at a small local petrol station and uses the EMV payment method on his 'Residents and Supporters' smart card and gets some more loyalty points.

Number of uses of the 'Residents and Supporters smart card. (9)

Week in the Life of a Football Supporter with a Resident's Smart Card.

Part 8 of 8

Summary, Conclusions and Next Steps

The previous 7 parts and this final conclusion of a 'Week in the Life of a Football Supporter with a Residents Smart Card' demonstrate very clearly how a single card can provide access to many different services and activities delivered by multiple providers from both public and private sectors.

This is not theory; every one of the applications below is a live application in a scheme in the UK. This document 'Week in the Life of a Football Supporter with a Residents Smart Card' simply brings them all together on the one card.


Logical Access - Home PC
EMV Payment - (Europay/MasterCard/ Visa)
Access Control - Council Building access
Council specific - e-Purse
Access Control - Parking
Library Membership - Local Authority
Staff ID
Access Control - Football Stadia
Ticketing - Football match day or season
Football Club Specific - e-Purse, Cashless in the Stadia and Shop.
Football Club Membership
Leisure Club Membership - Local Authority
Access Control - Leisure
Network ID - Higher Education / Learning Resource
PC Accessibility - SNAPI
Auto Form Fill
Concessions - Transport
Parking - Local Authority
Bill Payment - CTax / Rent
Entitlement - Cycle Hire

Monday 10
Tuesday 10
Wednesday 14
Thursday 12
Friday 11
Saturday 16
Sunday 9

Total for the week 82

Average daily use 11.7


To discover the operational and financial benefits of such a scheme for your organisation please contact info@smartstadia.com. Below is a list of the typical benefits that Football Clubs and Local Authorities have realised.

More Customer Data
Better Quality Customer Data
Improved Know Your Customer Capability
More Effective CRM Campaign Development
Better CRM Campaign Management
Increased Revenue (potentially ?300+ per season for a Football Club)
Reduces Costs
Greater Efficiency
Leaner Overall Service Delivery
Richer Customer Experience
Improver Customer Loyalty
Fewer Debtor Days
Faster Payment
Improved Cash Flow
New Revenue Streams
Peer Envy
Greener Operations
Improved Community Reputation
This is not an exhaustive list, but a good example of what a smart card scheme like this can do for your organisation. If you don't think your Chief Executive would like you to deliver any of the above benefits then we will simply thank you for reading and advise you to stop reading now.

Still reading? OK you must be serious. If you really do wish to find out how a multi-application, multi-vendor scheme can help your organisation specifically then call or email Steve Beecroft, Smart Technologies Consultant on 07855 364493.

Your CEO will thank you if you do and you will kick yourself if you don't.

Steve Beecroft is a smart technologies consultant with Consulting Smart Ltd. Beecroft founded the company in 2006 to meet the needs of clients within local authorities and financial services sectors. Since its start, Consulting Smart has expanded into the transportation and sports stadia areas, offering advice from concept and feasibility through to design planning, build, implementation, and benefit realisation.

+44 208 123 0811, info@consultingsmart.co.uk, http://www.consultingsmart.co.uk, http://www.smartstadia.com

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READ MORE - Week in the life of a football fan with a resident of smart card

Football-How To Know if you're a Football Fanatic

Everyone knows that the NFL football the most popular sport in America. In this respect, that one could argue a case that football is the most popular sport in the world. No matter what time of year it is for all football fan. True football fans life for all news about the NFL year round. Here's a fun list of how to know if you really have a true football fanatic or not.

NFL football season

You know that you are a lifelong futbolero, if you every minute televised NFL pre-season football look.It does not matter for you as the games do not count towards the rankings. This is the football! how else will you ever know if that street free agent quarterback of Southwest Montana State, the following items supplied by Joe Montana?

NFL Regular Season

This is what it's all about for the football fanatics.No one plan on anything that you want to pause of looking at the big races. using the remote control in one hand and plenty of food and drink in the other is the game time!

Articles of apparel and clothing

A real fan of the NFL will have their favourite teams on clothing. This list contains hats, shirts, ties, sweatshirts, shorts, socks, winter and pajamas. parkas for men


This is where football fans get really serious about their teams — you will have an autographed football team-on the display. you must also have an autographed authentic NFL football shirt of your favorite player hanging on the wall in a frame. other popular souvenirs/gift items his glasses and cups with the logo of your team on them.Optional items grill that most football fans have, garbage cans, clocks, lamps, outdoor displays, shot glasses, posters, golf balls and bag, bumper stickers, covers and frames of the holder of the vehicle registration plate, with your team logo on them.

Fantasy Football

If you don't have time in front of the TV or computer look at an NFL football game, you play fantasy football in local competition.You are always talking about the statistics are and try to trade to help your team to win.


Don't forget to keep your favorite football team logo on the screen saver from your computer.


You know you are a real NFL football fanatic when you go out and buy a new TV for the Super Bowl. you want to make sure that you can create a new big screen for your party for the big game.

Super Bowl

The best day of the year! it's finally time for the biggest game of the year. you know that you are a real fan if you sit up and look at all the 12 hours of the pre-game show. nothing less than a medical emergency, you miss a minute of the action, regardless of whether or not your favorite team.

Others know that you're a football fanatic by the size of the Super Bowl party you have annually. This is the big time, and you are not to be revitalised. even after the big game is over, all is not lost. The season is no more than just because the Super Bowl ended. you know that the Pro-Bowl game in a week will be on!

Michael Russell

Your independent guide to football [http://football-guides.com]

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READ MORE - Football-How To Know if you're a Football Fanatic

The ultimate Weight Loss Product guide

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Are you one of the many who may be tempted by advertisements for diet pills and other weight loss products promising easy, quick ways to lose weight? Were you aware that a simple 30 minute infomercial can cost anywhere from $80,000 to 120,000 dollars to make. Pretty crazy don't you think? Yet time and time again you see countless weight loss infomercials selling product after product.

Fad Diets and many diet pills are pitched by persistent advertising and many people, possibly even you will join the parade of followers. Yet 95% of the time, these weight loss products will prove to fail you once again -- leaving you with nothing but charges to your credit card and set-up to regain all those pounds. So why are people constantly and willingly paying their hard earned money for these weight loss products?

"Stop Throwing Your Hopes Into Every Weight Loss Product That Comes By"

We want you to stop being their guinea pigs and understand and realize just how many of these diet pills and other weight loss companies are cashing in at your expense. To help you avoid getting "trapped or suckered" into believing or choosing a weight loss product or service that does nothing but contribute and add to the problems.

Stop Getting Taken! The following factors are exactly what many weight loss products and services use and exploit in order to get you to buy into their utterly false claims...

Factor 1 -- HOPE

Hope is a good thing, you need hope. But the problem is that many times you have such high hopes that you put those hopes into anything, regardless if its legit or not. By putting your hopes of weight loss into products and services that are not providing the necessary means you need, your ultimately setting yourself up for failure and your hopes will get crushed. Have hope, just make sure you put your hope into the right service and don't let your strong sense of hope blind you into not seeing the red-flags and other lies.

Bottom Line -- Don't let your strong sense of hope make you believe things that are not true!

Factor 2 -- Emotion

Lets face it, your weight and appearance can be a touchy, emotional subject. And it should be, its your life! But how many times have you seen a weight loss infomercial where someone breaks down into tears while talking about how miserable they were when overweight and how deeply happy and relieved they are now ... and how they owe it all to that particular weight loss product or "revolutionary system." The product is doing this intentionally!

Weight loss products know you're emotional about how you look ... they also know that when your emotional, it causes you to act on impulse. They have a better chance to "hook- you" when you're emotional and "touched." Products try to stir up your emotion in an effort to get you to act impulsively and buy into their claims. You should be emotional about your health and the way you look, but don't let them use your emotion against you. Don't let your emotion blind you into not seeing the red-flags and real reason that they're really there -- to get the "2 easy payments of $39.99" out of you!

Factor 3 -- Marketing Savvy & Media

Just because you're constantly seeing weight loss ads and commercials for diet pills and the new "xxx diet" does not mean it works and is credible. Just because you see a celebrity hosting the weight loss infomercial or program (who has been generously paid off ... do you really think a movie star is going to do an infomercial for free?) does not mean it's effective. What it does mean is that they have thousands, if not millions of dollars to pay for advertising and marketing so they can get their product in front of you, be it radio, television, internet etc. so they can constantly "pitch you."

How affective is marketing? Recently, a diet pill company was making the bogus claim "take our weight loss pill and you can eat what you want and burn fat as you sleep" and made $152 million in profit over 3 short years by doing radio commercials at over 600 stations across the country! That is until the Government stepped in and cracked down! And all the restaurants that are adding the "new xxx diet approved" menus, all they're doing is trying to make money too! Restaurants know that people are willingly paying, so why wouldn't they add low carb diet dishes (even though the number of calories in these dishes are alarmingly high and will cause you to pack on pounds!)

Realize, that just because you see a weight loss product time and time again on the television or radio does not mean it will be effective in losing permanent weight. All these weight loss companies are trying to do is get their product in front of you over and over so it will be there when you're ready to buy. Many people make the mistake of assuming a product is credible simply because it's constantly on television.

Factor 4 - Repetition

Diet pills and other weight loss products figure they more they can get in front of you, the more likely you're going to buy it when that time comes. Lets face it, if you were interested in building a deck, when that time comes don't you think your going to choose the "smith deck company" that you saw time and time again on TV. Most people will simply use the one that's most convenient and right there. Many times people just pick the first product or service that comes to their head and have high hopes that everything will just work out. Unfortunately, many times it's no different with weight loss products.

This is exactly why you see the same infomercial every day, every hour of the day for like 1 month straight ... and then all of a sudden it's gone. They get in, make their money on desperate people looking to lose weight, and then they get out! And if you see it again in like 3-4 months down the road, this means they made a lot of money on it previously and are back to make more. They wouldn't be there if they weren't making money - period!

The product is trying to pound it into you head and keep coming at you because they know, the more you see it, the more likely you will be to buy it. Don't get suckered! Just because they are always there, does not mean it will help you.

Factor 5 - Pressure

This is a big one. The bottom line -- when people are pressured they act impulsively. Often times you put way to much pressure on yourself. In today's society so much emphasis is placed on health and appearance. People feel pressured to look a certain way and this is certainly the case with being overweight as people will do anything to lose weight. Weight loss products go out of their way to put additional pressure on you, knowing that it will cause you to act and buy. Many of the weight loss infomercials are very good at the art of getting you to believe that ... "finally this is it, the only product that's going to change your life!" The truth is that all they're doing is adding additional pressure.

Bottom Line -- Don't let the pressure you feel to lose weight allow you to buy into and believe false claims. A sense of urgency to lose weight is good, but don't feel so pressured that it causes you to act impulsively and spend your hard - earned money on the first thing you come across that sounds good. When you feel pressured, it will allow you to start believing and putting your hopes into things that are not true because you feel like "I need to do something about my weight and I need to do it now!" Weight loss products know this and that is what they are wanting you to do. Don't allow it and don't allow yourself to be one of their guinea pigs! It will just cost you in the end!

General Rules To Keep In Mind When

Dealing With Weight Loss Products

Be Realistic -- If there was a way to "lose 30 pounds in 30 days and keep it off" or "eat what you want and still lose weight" don't you think that we would all look like supermodels?

Use Common Sense -- If there were magic diet pills or easy way to lose weight and keep it off, don't you think the top movie stars and celebrities who make millions and millions of dollars would have it.

Allow Yourself To Believe Both Sides -- If you're going to make the mistake of believing the lies and fabrications many weight loss products are telling you, at least allow yourself to believe that they may indeed be "lying and deceiving you" as well. It's only fair that you allow yourself to look at both sides as this will help you to form a better judgment.

"If It Was That Easy..." Lets face it, if it was as easy as all these health and weight loss infomercials and ab contraptions make it, the statistic of 95% failing would not exist! There would be no problems. Don't believe their lies and fabrications

Kenny Leonard is the President Of Excel Media and the creator of The Ultimate Weight Loss And Fitness Bible. The much talked about Weight Loss Bible is authored by Mari Kudla, who is the 4th ranked IFBB Fitness Professional And Figure Model in the world. She has been featured and contributed in numerous world wide media weight loss giants such as Muscle & Fitness Hers, Oxygen, and Flex magazines -- just to name a few. Her new book, "The Ultimate Weight Loss And Fitness Bible," has said to make weight loss ..."amazingly simple to understand and easy" More info at http://www.ultimate-weight-loss-bible.com

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READ MORE - The ultimate Weight Loss Product guide